Category: Mortgage

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Using Home Equity to Eliminate Credit Card Debt

Credit card debt can be a tremendous burden, accruing high interest rates and undermining financial stability. One viable solution to this predicament is tapping into the equity built up in your home. Home equity—the portion of your home that you truly “own”—can be a valuable resource for managing and eliminating high-interest debts. However, this strategy…

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How to Catch Up on Missed Mortgage Payments

When you obtain a mortgage, you agree to repay the loan based on the terms and conditions outlined in your contract. While you have every intention of doing so, the future is unknown. For that reason, you must know what steps to take if you slip behind on your mortgage payments. Here’s a seven-step process….

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How Much Does it Cost to Buy a Home? Things to Consider

Many people share the dream of buying a home. While it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement, you must realize that it’s a significant financial undertaking. The total cost will depend on a variety of factors, including the location and type of home, the state of the housing market, and the financing options…

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Facing Foreclosure? You Have Options

When you buy your home, you do so with the idea that you’ll always be able to afford the mortgage payment. Unfortunately, things have a way of changing as the months turn to years. Should you find yourself facing foreclosure, you still have options. Your home isn’t gone just yet. The first thing to consider…

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Top Questions for a Mortgage Broker

Buying a home can be a joyful experience, as long as everything goes as planned (for the most part, at least). One of the most important things you can do is turn your immediate attention to finding the right lender for your situation.  While you’re free to shop for a mortgage lender and loan on…

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Should You Consult With a Mortgage Broker?

There’s no shortage of options when the time comes to buy a home or refinance your mortgage. In addition to hundreds upon hundreds of lenders — both local and national — you have the option to work directly through a broker. A mortgage broker is staffed with the responsibility of finding you the best mortgage…

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