
5 Things That Could Be Keeping Your FICO Score Down

From transportation to living arrangements, your credit score affects every aspect of your life. If you have bad credit, there are plenty of things you can do to boost it. But where should you begin? Before you start your credit repair journey, review your credit reports and identify any issues that you need to address….

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Free Credit Score by Credit Sesame

Let’s face it: there are many aspects of your finances that are critical to your current life, as well as the future. And that definitely holds true of your credit score. If you don’t know your credit score and/or can’t remember the last time you checked it, now’s the time to take action. There are…

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Credit Card Companies are Competing for Your Business

Have you ever stopped to think about just how many credit card offers are available? How about how many issuers there are? What does this mean to you? As a credit card holder, it’s important to realize that credit card companies are competing for your business. There are many ways you can use this to…

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Attaining a Personal Loan : $500 – $35,000

A personal loan isn’t the answer to all your financial questions, but there are times when it’s the perfect solution. If you’re considering a personal loan, it’s imperative to better understand the finer details, terms and conditions, and which lender is best for you and your financial needs. Consider 5k Funds as a rapid funding…

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Why is a Good Credit Score Important?

Some people are serious about maintaining an excellent or good credit score. Others don’t put nearly as much stock in this. While the decision is yours, you should always strive for the highest possible score. Here are some of the many ways this will benefit you and your finances: 1. Big Savings on Interest Imagine…

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What to Look for on Your Credit Report

It’s one thing to obtain a copy of your credit report, but another thing entirely to understand what you’re looking at. With so much data and so many numbers, it’s not always easy to sift through the clutter to gain a full overview of exactly what’s going on. Fortunately, when you know what you’re looking…

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Credit Report FAQs

Maybe you’re in the habit of reviewing your credit report often. Or maybe you can’t remember the last time you took a closer look. Regardless of what’s happened in the past, it’s important to turn your attention to the future. This allows you to keep your credit report in order, which can help you on…

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How to Negotiate with Your Credit Card Company

When using a credit card, you do so with the intention of paying back the balance in full. Even if it takes you a few years, you realize the importance of making good on your decision to borrow money. Unfortunately, things have a way of changing without notice, so you may find yourself in a…

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Reasons to Use a Balance Transfer Credit Card

A balance transfer credit card isn’t something that everyone can take advantage of, but you may come to learn that it’s just what you need to improve your finances. As the name suggests, a balance transfer credit card allows you to move several balances under the same roof. For example, if you have a $5,000…

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There are Many Types of Credit Cards

As you begin your search for a credit card, you could easily slip into the camp that believes “one offer is as good as the next.” Nothing could be further from the truth, and that’ll never change. It’s nice to know that there are many types of credit cards. Not only does this increase the…

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Accessing a Prepaid Card

For people with bad credit or no credit, the idea of obtaining an unsecured credit card may seem farfetched. Fortunately, you have options. For example, a prepaid credit card may be just what you’re looking for. As the name implies, a prepaid credit card is one that’s secured with a prepayment. Since you’re offering a…

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Instant Approval* / $750 Line of Credit*

For many, times are tough and rebuilding good credit can be even tougher. The Group One Platinum Card gives consumers spending power when they need it most, all while establishing a positive credit file. The Group One Platinum Card is a catalog card issued by Horizon Card Services. While the card can only be used…

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Reasons to Regularly Check Your Credit Score

When was the last time you checked your credit score? Do you even know what your credit score is? You don’t need to check your score every month (or even more often), but you should get into the habit of doing so every six months or every year. Here are some of the better reasons…

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Attaining a Secured Credit Card

Applying for and using a secured credit card isn’t something you want to do, but it could be in your best interest. Unlike an unsecured credit card, you’re required to make a security deposit with this type. It acts as collateral in the event of a default. Conversely, if your account remains in good standing,…

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5 Monthly Expenses to Pay for with a Credit Card

Do you have a credit card? Do you use it often, or generally look for other ways to pay your expenses? If you’re confident in your ability to responsibly use your credit card, it’s a good idea to consider the many monthly expenses to pay with it. Not only can this bring convenience and organization…

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Hunting for a New Credit Card

Credit cards come with a host of features and benefits – a good reason why credit cards are a popular phenomenon. If you are looking to apply for a credit card anytime soon, here are 10 things you definitely need to know. These points will give you a better understanding of how credit cards work…

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How to Use Your Credit Card Smartly?

Gone are the days when only a handful of people used these Cards. The present scenario narrates a different story and every individual today swipes his or her Credit Cards for making purchases. Executing transactions through these cards have become a common affair. Take a look around, and you will come across innumerable people swiping…

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