
How to Manage Joint Credit Card Debt in Divorce

As a married couple, there’s a good chance that you have at least one joint credit card. And while there’s nothing wrong with that, it could turn into a point of contention in the event of a divorce.  There are many questions and concerns to address as you prepare for the divorce process, including how…

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Is a Debit Card Better Than a Credit Card?

There are times when a credit card is exactly what you need. For example, it’s helpful in the event of an emergency, such as a costly vehicle repair while away from home. However, don’t overlook the fact that there are many benefits of using a debit card. Here are five reasons why you may want…

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Take These Steps to Cancel Your Credit Card

There may come a point when you realize that it’s best to cancel your current credit card and move on with another offer (or none at all). While there’s nothing wrong with this, don’t overlook the fact that it could impact your credit history and credit score — and not in a good way. If…

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Card Spotlight: Fortiva® Mastercard® Credit Card

The Fortiva® Mastercard® Credit Cardd is an industry leader among those targeting consumers with less than perfect credit. Should you find yourself in this category, it doesn’t cost you anything — outside of a few minutes — to determine if you qualify for the Fortiva® Mastercard® Credit Card. The first step in obtaining this credit…

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Card Spotlight : Extra Card

Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to build your credit with a debit card? While it may have been impossible in the past, Extra has changed this forever.  With the Extra Card, you can build your credit and earn rewards points just as you would with a traditional credit card. The only difference is…

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How to Get a Credit Card Spending Limit Increase

Are you the type of person who uses their credit card for almost every purchase? Are you beginning to realize that you could benefit from a higher limit? Do you have questions about how to get a higher limit on the credit card that you already have? Generally speaking, there are four ways to get…

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What Do You Want From Your First Credit Card?

As you begin your search for your first credit card, it’s easy to get lost in all the “bells and whistles” associated with the many offers you come across. To improve the likelihood of making the right choice, you must exercise patience as you compare offers.  Here are five questions you can answer to help…

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Top Questions for a Mortgage Broker

Buying a home can be a joyful experience, as long as everything goes as planned (for the most part, at least). One of the most important things you can do is turn your immediate attention to finding the right lender for your situation.  While you’re free to shop for a mortgage lender and loan on…

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Is 2022 the Year to Start a Side Gig?

There’s no right or wrong time to start a side gig. If you think it could benefit you in any way, it’s worth learning more about your options and how to proceed. And of course, if you need extra motivation, there’s no better time than the start of a new year.  Is 2022 the year…

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Do You Know Why Your Credit Score is So Low?

It’s one thing to know that you have a low credit score. It’s another thing entirely to know why this is the case. When you know why your score is low, it’s easier to formulate a plan for changing its course over the months to come. Here are some of the most common reasons for…

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Is Your Credit Report in Need of Repair?

Even if you consider yourself financially responsible, there may come a point when you realize that your credit report is in need of repair. Yes, this is frustrating. And yes, it can take time to make up ground. However, there are basic steps you can take that will have a positive impact on your credit…

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Don’t Be Scared of a Secured Credit Card

When you hear the term “secured credit card” what comes to mind? Do you immediately cringe and say “no way”? Are you at least open to the idea? Even though a secured credit card may not be right for you, you should at least be open to the idea. There’s nothing to be scared of….

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Should You Consult With a Mortgage Broker?

There’s no shortage of options when the time comes to buy a home or refinance your mortgage. In addition to hundreds upon hundreds of lenders — both local and national — you have the option to work directly through a broker. A mortgage broker is staffed with the responsibility of finding you the best mortgage…

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Top Benefits of Applying for a Car Loan Online

Buying a car is a big deal. It doesn’t matter if you’re purchasing a new or used vehicle, it’ll impact your finances in a variety of ways. And that’s why you need to make informed decisions regarding the type of loan you secure. There are several ways to apply for a car loan, with many…

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How to Responsibly Use a Personal Loan

A personal loan is a great financial tool when used in the appropriate manner. For example, you can use this type of loan to consolidate debt, take a trip, pay for a child’s wedding, or renovate your kitchen. And that’s just the start. However, just because you qualify for a personal loan doesn’t mean that…

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The Many Benefits of a Secured Credit Card

A secured credit card is one that requires a cash security deposit to open an account. This is in contrast to an unsecured card that does not share this requirement. The primary benefit of a secured credit card is the ability to use it to build or improve your credit history and score. However, it…

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The Benefits of Credit Cards Over Debit Cards

There’s a good chance that you have at least one credit card and one debit card in your purse or wallet. And there’s also a good chance that you struggle to determine which one to use (and when to do so). As you learn more about the pros and cons of both credit cards and…

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Ways to Benefit from a Balance Transfer Credit Card

Nobody dreams of the day when they can use a balance transfer credit card. Here’s why: if you find yourself considering this, it means that you have a balance on more than one credit card. And there’s a good chance that it also means you’re searching for a better way to manage it. However, should…

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How to Better Manage Your Credit Card Balances

Are you carrying one or more credit card balances? Are you finding it difficult to manage your debt? Regardless of how many credit cards you have and how much debt you’re carrying, there are steps you can take to better manage it in the future. Tip: if you assume that everything will eventually come together,…

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How to Avoid Overspending With Your Credit Card

With a credit card in hand, it’s easy to believe that you can purchase anything (or almost) that you want. And while this may be true to a certain extent, it doesn’t mean that you should do so. It may feel good at the time, but the money will eventually come due. At that point,…

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